Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Analyzing the Facts- Are they for or against

Should Students Be Allowed to Eat in Class...

There are a few reasons why it makes sense that eating should be banned from the classroom, but not many. The most important reason, in my opinion, is that students with peanut or other food allergies could possibly be at risk of an allergy attack. This is a very serious matter. No student would want to accidentally kill someone else because he or she needed a snack. Peanut allergy is the most common cause of food related death. However, only about 150 people die annually from all serious food allergic reactions, and only one percent of the U.S. population has a peanut allergy.

1. Look for key words

In this article the author uses..... makes sense eating should be banned, could be at risk, serious matter, accidentally kill someone, death, die

The words used in the author's arguments show that he/she is against eating for in the classroom. The word choices are negative in nature (death, die, risk, serious).

2. Facts and data

Peanut allegries is the most common cause of death. 1 percent of the US Population has a peanut allergy.

The facts presented by the author back up his claim that eating in class can cause potential problems by stating that peanut allegries can cause death.

As readers, it is are responsibility to analyze each word, phrase, and paragraph. The author's word choice and inclusion of facts will help us determine if they are for or against an idea or topic. Take some time, highligh key phrases and really process the information being provided.

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