Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Student Research: Week 2

Steps for Researching

Step 1: Pick your Data Base

Teacher Example: Chicago Tribune News

Step 2: Type your topic into the Search Engine

Teacher Example: School Tardies

Step 3: Pick your article (read over the articles listed until you find the right one)

Teacher Example:

Write on Unit Persuasive Research/Persuasive Project: Article Title, Author and URL

Article Title: School Bells Ring Early For Tardy Sleepyheads
Author: Casey Banas

Step 4: Read the Article and record information

Sooner or later, somebody was bound to think of it. The telephone rings at 6 a.m.; you stumble to pick up the receiver, and a voice says:

``Good day. This is Dr. Walter Pilditch, principal of Morgan Park High School, with a recorded wake-up call. Your child has been continually late in coming to school. I will continue to make this call until the problem is solved. Thank you for your cooperation.``
That`s really happening, at least in the Far South Side area served by Morgan Park High School, 1744 W. Pryor Ave.

In what is believed to be a unique campaign for the Chicago area, Morgan Park is fighting the battle against chronic student tardiness with a new weapon--morning wake-up calls at home from 6 to 7 a.m.--and the principal reports that the problem has been cut by 50 percent.

Facts: Morgan Park is fighting the battle against chronic student tardiness with a new weapon—morning wake-up calls at home from 6 to 7 a.m.
Facts: Principal reports that problem has been cut by 5 percent

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